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Abby Collection Gallery

Abby Collection Gallery Portal TextileEmbroidery


Framed Chinese Hunan Embroidery
Framed Chinese Hunan Embroidery
Framed Chinese Hunan Embroidery
2019-04-16 15:14
Chinese Embroidery Dragon Gown~Qing Dynasty
Chinese Embroidery Dragon Gown~Qing Dynasty
Chinese Embroidery Dragon Gown~Qing Dynasty
2019-04-16 15:11
Two framed Chinese embroidery on silk style Floral Tree Bird Butterfly
Two framed Chinese embroidery on silk style Floral Tree Bird Butterfly
Framed Chinese embroidery on silk style Floral Tree Bird Butterfly~Qing Dynasty
2019-04-16 15:06
A lady Red ground embroidered coat and trousers Late Qing Dynasty
A lady Red ground embroidered coat and trousers Late Qing Dynasty
A lady Red ground embroidered coat and trousers Late Qing Qynasty /Republic Period
2019-04-16 14:54
A lady black ground embroidered coat and trousers Late Qing Dynasty
A lady black ground embroidered coat and trousers Late Qing Dynasty
A lady black ground embroidered coat and trousers Late Qing Qynasty /Republic Period
2019-04-16 14:53
Japanese Textile signed "Yuanxin"~BS29027-日本织锦元信, 镜心花鸟图案
Japanese Textile signed "Yuanxin"~BS29027-日本织锦元信, 镜心花鸟图案
2019-01-11 15:39
Japanese Textile ~BS29028_日本织锦合页本
Japanese Textile ~BS29028_日本织锦合页本
2019-01-11 15:31

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